Newspaper articles and blog posts
Alice el-Wakil and Christian F. Rostbøll. 2024. “Hvad er demokratisk repræsentation?” Contribution to the Danish Power Inquiry 2.0 / Magtudredningen 2.0.
Mads Ejsing, Irina Papazu, Fernando Racimo, Michael Søgaard Jørgensen, Liv Bjerre, Alice el-Wakil, Ioannis Rigkos-Zitthen, Anne Bach Nielsen, Niklas Braarud Jordal, Kirstine Lund Christiansen, Katinka Bundgård Fals, Søren Christensen, Laura Horn, Gregers Andersen, Johanna Sophie Buerkert, Jens Friis Lund, and Frederik Appel Olsen. 2023. “Selvfølgelig skal KU føre en ambitiøs klimapolitik.” Opinion piece, Uniavisen, July 31.
Alice el-Wakil and Michael A. Strebel. 2022. “Gemeindeversammlung oder Urnenabstimmung: Wie der Entscheidungsprozess das Ergebnis beeinflusst” or “Assemblées communales ou votations : comment le processus de prise de décision influence le résultat.” Blog,, May 19.
Dimitri Courant and Alice el-Wakil. 2020. “Le pourquoi et le comment des assemblées citoyennes (2/2).” Opinion piece, Domaine Public, Oct. 8.
Dimitri Courant and Alice el-Wakil. 2020.”Le pourquoi et le comment des assemblées citoyennes (1/2).” Opinion piece, Domaine Public, Sept. 29.
el-Wakil, Alice and Spencer McKay. 2020. “Dissocier référendums et ‘démocratie directe’.” Blog,, Feb. 14.
el-Wakil, Alice. 2019. “The role of elections in Switzerland.” Invited contribution, Agenda Pública, Oct. 18.
el-Wakil, Alice and Michael Räber. 2017. Ein Instrument, das die AHV-Reform voranbringen könnte. Opinion piece. Neue Zürcher Zeitung am Sonntag, Oct. 29.
el-Wakil, Alice. 2017. “125 ans, et après? Des comités citoyens pour innover en démocratie directe.” Opinion piece, Le Temps (5714), 9, Jan. 19. Translated in five language on Swissinfo.
el-Wakil, Alice. 2015. “What does beauty have to do with politics?” Blog, Beauty Demands, Dec. 23.
el-Wakil, Alice. 2015. “Alice el-Wakil on the homogenisation & globalisation of beauty norms.” Blog, Beauty Demands, Oct. 23.
el-Wakil, Alice. 2015. “Nicht jede Stimme zählt (gleich viel): ein Gewinn für die Demokratie?” Blog,, Aug. 3.
Carens, Joseph and Gary Gutting: “When Immigrants Lose Their Human Rights” (Quand les immigrés perdent leurs droits humains). Raison Publique, Nov. 16. 2017.
Lukes, Steven: Moral Relativism (Le relativisme moral). Geneva: Markus Haller.
Talks, media, service
“Het referendum lijkt er dan eindelijk te komen.” Inputs to Ruben Wissing for an article about how referendums could be institutionalized in the Netherlands., Feb. 6, 2024.
“Die Niederlanden vor den Wahlen: Wenn Linke und Rechte (wieder) Volksabstimmungen wollen.” Interview with journalist, reporter and coordinator of the ‘democracy beat’ Benjamin von Wyl. Swissinfo, November 9, 2023.
“Dugfrisk forksning: Can Voting be Un-democratic?” Interview with Aksel Hvid Bagge and Benedikte Huber for the UCPH political science students’ journal Med Andre Ord, Fall 2022.
Member of the expert advisory group for the development of the permanent exhibition “Demokratie-Turm” at the Polit-Forum Bern (Switzerland), 2021-22.
“Assemblées citoyennes et processus délibératifs.” Introductory training for MPs of the municipality of Prilly (Switzerland) on deliberative innovations, March 3, 2022.
“Mehr Demokratie wagen?” Interview with journalist Simon Muster about citizens’ assemblies and their potential in the Swiss political system (in German). P.S. Zeitung, September 24, 2021.
“Signez, c’est payé!” Participation in a short debate in French-speaking Swiss media on the question: should it remain allowed to pay for signatures to launch initiatives and referendums in Switzerland? RTS la première, July 14, 2021.
“Le système de votations et référendum en Suisse.” Presentation in the series Pour une véritable démocratie participative, Inter Environnement Wallonie and Periferia, Feb. 25.
“Participation et Inclusion : le projet demoscan.” Presentation in the series Échanger – Développer – Informer (online), Campus pour la démocratie, Nov. 12, 2020.
“Mini-public in Switzerland: the Sion 2019 demoscan experience.” Presentation at the Réflexion Internationale d’Avril (online), Extinction Rebellion, April 18, 2020.
“Wie kann die Schweiz noch demokratischer werden? Ein Ausflug nach Oregon.” Lecture with Nenad Stojanović for the Philosophische Gesellschaft Zentralschweiz, University of Lucerne, March 28, 2018.
“Théories de la démocratie et méthodes participatives citoyennes en Suisse.” Presentation at the Discussion forum “Promouvoir les méthodes participatives citoyennes en Suisse,” TA-Swiss, Bern, January 29, 2018.
“Diskussionsrunde zu den Stärken und Grenzen der direkten Demokratie.” Participation in a roundtable discussion at the University of Fribourg, April 13, 2016.