Lead instructor
“Politisk teori 2,” sessions on democratic theory (in English)
University of Copenhagen, mandatory B.A. Lecture, spring 2023 (4 sessions), 2024 (2 sessions)
M.A. courses
“Contemporary political theory” with Christian Rostbøll
University of Copenhagen, political theory specialization course, fall 2022, 2023
“Democratic challenges”
University of Copenhagen, political theory specialization course, fall 2022, 2023
Elective advanced B.A. and M.A. seminars
“Theories of political representation”
University of Copenhagen, spring 2024
“Political representation”
University of Copenhagen, spring 2023
“Democratic innovations”
University of Lucerne, fall 2020
Elective B.A. seminars
“Feminist debates of the 19th-20th century”
University of Zurich, spring 2021
“Distributive justice”
University of Zurich, fall 2020
“Ursprünge feministischer politischer Philosophie in der Aufklärung”
University of Zurich, spring 2020
“Normative theories of democracy”
University of Zurich, fall 2019
“Mary Wollstonecraft”
University of Zurich, spring 2019
“Innovative democratic institutions” with Francis Cheneval
University of Zurich, fall 2018
“Theories of direct democracy”
University of Zurich, spring 2018
2023, M.A. thesis supervision, University of Copenhagen
2021, M.A. term paper supervision in political science, University of Lucerne
2019–21, B.A. thesis and term paper supervision in political philosophy, University of Zurich
2016, M.A. thesis supervision (2 students), “Ethik des Politischen,” Advanced Studies in Applied Ethics (ASAE) Program, University of Zurich

Talks (selection)
“Book launch of Michael Saward’s Democratic Design (2021, Oxford University Press)“. A conversation about the book with Becca Bunce and Michael Saward organized by the Participatory and Deliberative Democracy Specialist Group of the Political Studies Association, March 23, 2021.
“Democratic theory and direct democracy.” CIS PhD Retreat, ETH Zurich (online), Jan. 21, 2021.
“Citizens’ Accountability in Popular Votes.” Colloqium in Political Theory, UNIGE (online), Dec. 15, 2020.
“Referendums and interest groups.” Kolloquium politische Theorie, University of Hamburg, Jan. 28, 2020.
“Bottom-up popular vote processes and nonelected representatives.” Forschungskolloquium, University of Stuttgart, June 17, 2019.
“Citizens’ competence in popular vote processes.” Philosophie Kolloquium, University of Bern, Feb. 21, 2019.
“Discussing direct democracy,” IOPD Conference, Barcelona, Nov. 27, 2018.
“Direct democracy within representative systems?” Political Theory Workshop, UBC, April 20, 2017.